Task 01 πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»
Task Description πŸ“„
πŸ‘‰ Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
πŸ‘‰ Install the Python software on the top of docker container
πŸ‘‰ In Container you need to copy/create machine learning model which you have created in jupyter notebook

dharshan r
4 min readAug 22, 2021

Salary Prediction

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

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Lately, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is a hot topic in the tech industry. Perhaps more than our daily…




Docker is lightweight containerization that allows us to set up an infrastructure within one second with the help of images stored in Docker. Know more here about docker.

In this article, we are going to create a simple machine learning model on top of a container our model will predict a salary based on employee experiences.


1. Linux OS

Install Python on the local system

yum install python36 -y

Configure the repository for docker:

Create a file β€œ/etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo”

name=docker repo baseurl=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/7/x86_64/stable/

Installing Docker :

yum install docker-ce --nobest -y

Now, let’s start creating a machine learning model on top docker container

Pull Image and run a docker container

Make sure docker is installed in your system using docker β€” version then start docker and check the status of docker.

Find Docker present or not

docker --version

Start Docker services

systemctl start docker

Check the status of docker services

systemctl status docker

Now, that we have docker service running on our RedHat 8 system. Now, we need to pull the centos image from dockerHub.

To pull any image use syntax

>> docker pull imageName:Tag

Here we are going to use centos latest version

>> docker pull centos:latest

So, now our centos latest version is downloaded using this we can run the container.

To Create a container needs to use the below format

docker run -it --name Cont_Name Image_Name:Tag

Install commands in the container which is required

yum install clear net-tools python36 -y

We need to install some python libraries which we are going to use in the Machine learning code.

  • sklearn
  • pandas
pip3 install pandas scikit-learn

Sklearn and Pandas install

Now, our base environment is ready. Now, we need to get the dataset inside the docker container. Theβ€œSalaryData.csv” file to the centos container in the root directory.

Copy local system to the container

docker cp <SOURCEFILE_PATH>  <CONTAINER_NAME>:<DESTINATION_PATH>SOURCEFILE_PATH: Path to the file inside your baseOS i.e here 
RHEL8CONTAINER_NAME: Path of the container name in which you want to transfer file.
Note: Container should be running.
DESTINATION_PATH: Path inside docker container where you wanted to copy the file from baseOS.

From local Linux run below command

docker cp SalaryData.csv 406102f68806:/

Here, we can see dataset is copied to the container directory

Salary dataset

The SalaryData.csv is successfully copied.

Salary prediction model

main.py file for creating a model

vi main.py

Creating a Prediction model using the below code

Now, let us check whether it is working well or not. Run the file using the command python3 main.py

python3 main.py

Model Created

Successfully model is created and saved to salary_model.pkl

Create a code for the prediction of salary

vi predictSal.py

Prediction code

Now, we have a model created. Now, if we want to predict the salary for the experience. Create a file predictSal.py and add below code

Now, we can run this script. It will first load the model and predict the salary based on the years of experience we provided.

python3 predictSal.py

Now, we have successfully created a Model and done prediction inside a docker container.

Thanks for Reading !!

Keep Learning !! Keep Sharing !!

